The agricultural service industry is one, which so far has seen the rise of several manufacturing companies, but one name that has been buzzing high with its one-of-a-kind products and machinery is Punni, under the company Vishavkarma Engineering Works.
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Its quality products are created to benefit the farmers and the nation at large.
The exceptional growth and developments a few industries have shown over the years can be attributed to a myriad of factors, which of course, includes the advent of technology. However, one cannot unsee how a few determined individuals and professionals have worked rigorously towards turning ideas into reality and building brands and businesses that have the power to create a notable difference in the lives of their target demographic.
The agricultural service industry is one, which so far has seen the rise of several manufacturing companies, but one name that has been buzzing high with its one-of-a-kind products and machinery is Punni, under the company Vishavkarma Engineering Works.
"Punni" brand, based in Haryana, India, has now become known as the #1 agriculture machinery brand across the nation, which has garnered the brand massive trust from farmers and increased their prominence in the industry in unimaginable ways. Punni (popularly known as Punni Tohana) has grown as an Indian manufacturer of agriculture machinery like Combine Harvester, Super Seeder, Thresher, Laser Guided Land Leveler, Straw Reaper, Zero Till Seed Drill Machine, Harmba Thresher, Happy Seeder, and Rotavator.
The company was initiated in the year 1982 by Sr. Bant Singh Punni. The director of the brand today is Deep Singh Punni, who is directing the brand towards exponential success in the industry.
The team at Punni says that they are dedicated to working for the benefit of farmers and the country by developing the highest quality agricultural machinery as per the needs of the farmers, keeping in mind the basic aim of the company, which is to be environmentally friendly. The highest quality standards are followed at Punni to serve farmers at the earliest. Also, the repair and maintenance work is taken care of well in time through the company’s robust network spread nationwide.
Director Deep Singh Punni highlights that the machinery developed by their company requires zero repairs except oiling and greasing. Using the CNC machines, they do machining, drilling, cutting, and welding.
Punni is driven to optimize the latest technologies in the production process to lead the brand to higher growth and success levels in the agriculture world.
To know more, visit its website, .
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